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The Yellow Crane, Inc.


Research and Operational Methods at The Yellow Crane, Inc.

Welcome to the methods page of The Yellow Crane, Inc. Here, we offer a comprehensive overview of the various research methodologies utilized in the educational field. Whether you're a seasoned researcher, scholar, educator, or just beginning your academic journey, these resources aim to support your understanding and application of our research and operational methods as our customer.

Below, you'll find two arrays of methods that employ within our research and operations to satisfiy a great viriety of needs for our customers:

Objective Inquiry:
       Quantitative Research:
  • Experimental Design

  • Surveys and Questionnaires

  • Statistical Analysis

     Qualitative Research:

  • Interviews

  • Focus Groups

  • Ethnography

        Mixed Methods:
  • Integrating quantitative and qualitative approaches
  • Triangulation methods
      Action Research:
  • Participatory research methods
  • Problem-solving approaches within real-world contexts
      Case Studies:
  • In-depth examination of a particular subject or phenomenon (such as Dyslexia, Toxic Entitlement, etc.)
   Literature Reviews: 
  1. Systematic reviews
  2. Meta-analyses
   Observational Research:  
  • Naturalistic observation
  • Participant observation
  Historical Research:
  • Archival research
  • Oral history

For further guidance or inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out to us or research our services. Happy researching!